Seafood Boil & Fishing Rodeo
              Oct 28, 2017
A great time was had by all............
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The members who made these events possible were:

Board Events CHAIRMEN:  Glenn Koch 

CO-COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN:  Jay Hotard  & Glenn Koch

COOKING TEAM:  Jay Hotard & friends
                               Glen Koch & sons
                               Drew Dodd 

Rodeo Sponsors:   Bobby Hattier
                              ​         Gary Welchel
                                       Joe Wiemers

If you happen to see any of these guys, please give then the compliments they so justly deserve.

(Double Click below to enlarge)
Fishing Rodeo Results 
     Trout 1st:   Jay Hotard    4.9 lb
             2nd:    Drew Dodd   3.1 lb
     Reds 1st:    Drew's Son   7.1 lb
             2nd:    Drew Dodd   6.1 lb
     Best Boat:   Jay & Drew