Crawfish Boil - May 2, 2009
Some worked, some fished, some maintained their gear and some went swimming...................
(Double Click below to enlarge)
The members and guests who made this event possible were:
Ed and Joe Conner
Andrew, Dominick and Tony Stoll
Mike Bohte
Tommy Schafer
Jay Hotard
Rick Paulk
Blake and Randy Green
Bread Pudding by Ann
If you happen to see any of these guys, please give then the compliments they so justly deserve.
Many thanks to Dr. Lejeune for telling the members about his emergency GPS locator and for making it available to members when he's not using it.
TiMau Claverie gave a breif talk about CCA and it's importance to our fisheries. Membership applications were made available and we urge those that are not members to join if possible.